After 25 years creating commercial spaces,
Jana sought a deeper purpose, so, she embarked on an ambitious 2-year journey of transformation . . .

Traveling solo, no itinerary planned, no destination set,
she followed her heart. Opening new doors inspired solely by the people and places she met along the way.

Give me eyes to see, ears to hear, a mind to understand.
A simple prayer to start each day, to be alert, not to miss a thing, while seeking, connecting, and exploring, with so much discovery around her.

When we expand our perspective,
we expand our view, then we expand ourselves along with it. Where does that road lead?

Understanding another’s way of life.
Not good, not bad, just not our own. In experiencing our vast differences, we discover we are the same. Awareness guides us to understanding, understanding to compassion, compassion to empathy, then to friendship. There we recognize that we are one.

Cultures, ancient to the current day,
diverse expressions of life, played-out through the ages, meld into uniquely rich stories that invoke a reverence within the soul.

A glimpse back in retrospection….
From the Himalayans, to Africa, through Asian, 56 countries and still going… here is a brief pictorial glimpse into a few of the transformational experiences along the way. In the experience, we become a part of, we are changed by what we see, what we know and understand.

A Cultural experience.
Rented a car in Dubai and took off for Abu Dhabi, making friends along the way. The sights and scenes can not be described nor captured in photograph. Remarkable.

The Himalayans
From desert to mountain range, seven weeks amidst the range that merges with the clouds above.
The people, the terrain, the cultures, the spirit of the lands, could not be more different. More like a different planet entirely….. both extraordinary and inspiring.

Out of the blue…. an opportunity to meet the Dalai Lama.

A 10 day – silent – meditation retreat. Rising at 6 from a simple cot, one small torn screen window, rain falling on the tin roof, monkeys watching every move… and so blessed to have had this life expanding experience.

Stepping back in time, into the peacefulness of Cambodia.
Traversing the tranquil countryside, with its pastoral settings, roadside snack stands, elaborate sacred temples (of Indiana Jones fame), it is especially difficult for the mind to accept the atrocity’s inflicted on these sweet and gentle people.

Amidst the tranquility, it is surreal to discover the horror of their past…

No trip thru the countryside is complete without partaking at one of the many roadside snack carts, delicacies.

The Kayan Tribe, exile in northern Thailand.
known for their women beginning at age 5 to extend the neck throughout life with rows of rings, The Ring Neck women.

mysterious, exotic, intrigue, inspiring, some mysteries are never meant to be solved.
Exotic, exploratory days slowing floating down the Nile, to the gripping crawl upward, the dark tunnel leading into the Kings Chamber of the Great Pyramid. Sneaking a crawl into the famous open sarcophagus, to lie flat, awaiting ascension to the beyond.

A spectacular planet, rich with beauty awe and wonder, passing onward her rich heritage though the ages of her people.
The colors, sights and sounds, all blend together to create a symphony of beauty far beyond any single could achieve alone.